I heard about December Adventure, like a small challange to write code every day in December. It’s already day 8 when I’m writting this first, but I think I have enough stuff to fill it so far. I’ll keep updating it everyday.
Day 1
Started with Advent of Code day one problem. I only finished 11 out of the 25 problems last year. Maybe this year will be different. I’m doing it in Racket since last year, and then I thought that it would be easier because I have more familiarity with the language, but I’m still struggling a lot with it.
First problem was cool, but part two seemed disproportionally more difficult, I had to rewrite all the code for part two, but after looking into other solutions, I see it’s not too difficult, it just requires a bit of creative thinking. In the end, the difference in lines of code from part 1 to part 2 in my solution is 32 lines.
My solution can be found here.
Day 2
Also only worked on the Advent of Code problem. That one was more straightforward, not much to comment. Solution is here.
Day 3
AoC 3
Day 4
AoC 4
Day 5
Day 6
Published text on blog
Day 7
Started working on the